Love It Leave It - Episode #02 - Exploring the ‘Love It Leave It’ mantra.
Episode #02 - Exploring the ‘Love It Leave It’ mantra.
On this episode of Love It Leave It, Samantha Clarke is both host and guest unfolding her journey of embracing uncertainty, breaking down what led her to create Love It or Leave It and how the book will help you to navigate your work happiness doubts and questions. It’s also the beginning of episodes doused between guest shows, that explores key areas/themes and choice exercises from the book to wet your appetite.
Expect the unexpected from exercises with an art therapy twist to provocative thought starters. Because sometimes the most beautiful experiences we have are the most mysterious ones. Equally with a lot of angst around finding careers you love Samantha’s hope is that the process can be joyful, as well as fruitful too.
Take a note pad and pen or coloured pencils. Make notes, mind map or draw your thoughts.
1 - Where and how does work contribute to the person you are today?
When you think about your work, what do you enjoy about the journey? How is work etching out the person you are today? Is it making you more creative? Is it leaning into your analytical nature? Are you working with animals in a way you’ve always dreamed of? Are you meeting new people and learning about different cultures? I love my work because it plays to my listening capabilities, my problem solving nature and I feel such a boost in supporting people through change.
Each day we make a choice about the person we are becoming and work either moves us towards that or away from it. How could you hone your craft and your work to feel more aligned to the person you enjoy being? When we work against our natural flow, we create friction, tension and stress.
2 - Who is the person you want to become?
Think about it the work you want to find as you stepping into a new superhero character
Starter - think of your favourite superhero characters - Ironman, Wonder women, Catwoman, Superman or maybe make one up or choose an animal you think has superhuman qualities. I liken my superhero abilities and work happiness to Louise the Hummingbird.
I want you to now draw yourself as a superhero focusing on strengths, skills/powers, attitude and surroundings.
The goal of this is for you to focus on the hero you have selected, how you have illustrated them and the reasons why you selected them.
Explore how the superhero’s powers serve to help others. Explore if some of the superhero’s strengths and skills are similar to ones you already have or if you need to grow in this area. Who are they surrounding themselves with everyday?
Hummingbirds are incredibly intelligent, quick witted, sharp and intuitive,. Louise in this instance is a quiet storm or force of nature. She creates change in her clients with an approachability and grace. I always dreamt of being that colourful and vibrant companion in someones life, guiding them to step out of themselves.
Maybe your superhero has the super ability of being sharp with numbers, hacking mathematical problems with ease and working to solve some of the most intense engineering problems in the world. Or perhaps your superhero bakes the best patisserie, delicate and dainty objects of art and has the superhuman ability to be patient to decorate even the smallest of cakes.
What superhero would you like to become?
3- What might be your ultimate quest on this earth? What’s your special superhero mission?
When we think of a quest or mission, it’s essentially understanding how does your superhero help people?
‘Where your talent aligns with your strengths, there lies your vocation’
It maybe that as a superhero your quest is to provide the world with gorgeous morsels of French patisserie that look and taste radical, enchanting and defy expectations. Or maybe you want to help young children learn survival skills and be at one with nature.
What are you denying the world by not stepping into your superhero character?
See you next week for another episode.