In partnership with Pratt Institute, the brief was to create a sensory opportunity to help New Yorkers (25-45yrs) on the verge of leaving their city, to better navigate their relationship with the city and finally make a decision to stay or go.
Through the lens of neuroscience and with reference to the work of Professor Anjan Chatterjee, insights were taken on how to create the right aesthetic experiences and environments. Including the three principles around ‘hominess’, ‘fascination’ and ‘coherence’ to support arousal, calm and grounding states. Also taking into account how this works across neurodiverse population in across New York.
This lead to the creation of key art pieces that can be interacted with by a user through touch to release sounds, conversations, and provocations to keep them resilient, intrigued and excited about their city and create a sense of calm.
Often thought of as a collection of disturbing or incoherent sounds.
Flipped on its head, this collection of stories invited participants to share stories about what New York sounds like and what makes them feel good and grounded.
Intended to be thought-starters with friends, families and strangers, these art pieces can be kept on your desk at work, on your shelf at home or in your pocket for the commute.
What does NYC sound like?
What makes you feel good about New York?
This art-piece was home to a collection of voice-notes , sounds of the streets and the hum of different environments, it provided recommendations to inspire you to dream and let your imagination float through New York.
Where do you go for creativity, to feel good or to think?
For those who feel the constant feeling of stuckness and inability to make a decision about New York as their ‘home’ SUSPENSION - speaks to this frustration and provides gentle and not-so-gentle provocations and sound compilations to help you make your mind up once and for all.
If you have been on the fence about leaving NYC, what makes you stay? Why did you leave?