Love It Leave It - Episode #36 - Emma Sexton
On this episode of Love It or Leave it Samantha Clarke interviews Emma Sexton from Make Your Words Work. Listen as we discuss all the magical things around how to build a business with empathy, what a disruptive agency model is. And all the issues that come up when you're trying to build a business in one way when everyone's going in a completely different direction.
“I don’t think anybody should put up with a bad work life, work should be somewhere that you thrive.”
- Emma
Words of Wisdom
4.02 - Find out how Emma set up her agency
7.59 - How does one start to instil trust?
12.21 - Every moment of unhappiness is a new business venture waiting to be born
18.35 - Emma reveals what she thinks the future of work will be
26.40 - Do women find it harder to have the confidence to trust your gut?
33.28 - Discover what is the best piece of advice Emma has received?
36.48 - What would Emma love or leave behind?
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