Ready to explore and apply different creativity models and approaches to real world and organisational challenges? You have come to the right place.
Samantha is a keynote speaker innovating, designing and researching at the intersection of psychology, creative arts, design engineering and neuroscience.
Our signature talks below will help you explore the factors affect creativity and innovation for individuals, teams and organisations and provides the salve to help you navigate change and transitions to remain competitive and strategic.
Our workshops can also help you identify a need for innovation/change, then develop, iterate and amplify the internal processes and culture that sustainably bring it to life in your environments, products and services.
download Samantha’s Speaking brochure and grab our 7 Morning Wind Up rituals to start your day happier
Arts based & AESTHETIC INTERVENTIONS for wellbeing
Exploring the use of arts-based interventions and aesthetics for mental health issues such as depression, anxiety and secondary for senior leaders and helping professionals
This talk will help you explore:
The tech, engineering and design innovations that fuse the impact of the arts, architecture and music on health, happiness and wellbeing.
How tapping into the neuroscience of aesthetics and art can elevate everything from office design for employee wellbeing, designing team events/workshops with an art focus to help neurodiverse employees build social and occupational skills at work to relieving burn-out in healthcare and frontline workers
Insights on key design characteristics the make difference between performance and productivity and how to design products and spaces that foster empathy, healing and wellbeing
Provide insights on the principles and the basics of good biophilic design
Raise awareness of the role of environmental and social factors, affecting health and wellbeing within the built environment
How engagement with arts has significant positive effects on anxiety, stress and organisational factors like job satisfaction and workplace engagement.
Talks Available
How do we begin to identify a need for innovation, then develop, iterate and amplify the internal processes of change that create healthy, high-performing innovative environments, products and cultures?
This talk will help you explore:
- factors that affect creativity and innovation such as a person’s psychophysiological state, cultural values and beliefs, organisational leadership and management, interdisciplinary and cross-cultural collaboration, and social and physical environments.
- how to effectively enhance creativity and innovation in interdisciplinary teams through the synthesis of perspectives, ideas, skills and processes from different creative cultures and disciplines
- ways to create unity and trust amongst teams, providing tools to be more creative, and spark innovation in the organisation.
Navigating traNsitions
Volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity seem to be consistent themes of the past few years.
Now is the time to let go of outdated ways of thinking and begin to ride out the changes in your work with panache and intention. Whether your company is downsizing, scaling up or merging, it’s important to harness how change shapes leadership and teams.
This talk will help you explore how to:
Define the nuances between change and transition: Detailing the effects on individuals, teams and organisations, how to manage this and build robustness and resilience.
Navigate emerging resistance: Leaders and managers will learn the key strategies to navigate and guide themselves and others through the transition especially those against it.
Create clarity: periods of change can be confusing without the skills to encourage buy-in, adoption, and acceptance of the change.
Develop a strategic transition plan: a roadmap based on their own needs and that of your team.
Whether as a Keynote or Workshop, taking this time in this experience to pause, and strengthen leadership and management resolve to seek opportunities, will help you and your teams to bounce-back through any change or adversity.
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Excellent session and plenty of actionable tips!
This has been SO good Samantha! Thank for you for sharing all these great, actionable tips!
This has been amazing and great to have you live with us Samantha, thank you!
Thank you, and inspring and uplifting presentation!
Favourite session so far, thank you!
Very interesting. Will be encouraging colleagues to watch this back. Thank you.