Building better RELATIONSHIPS witH others
Our signature talks and workshops help leaders and managers to authentically communicate with, manage, align, and coordinate others.
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This session is a complete package to help leaders and managers communicate effectively and efficiently to build signature relationships for success, boost their one to ones and manage people better
In this session leaders or managers will learn how to:
Adopt the tools and techniques to inspire and facilitate change in others: Have more effective and change-inducing 1:1 sessions that focus on wellbeing, career growth, engagement, and skill development for peak performance and productivity
Actively Listen: Go beyond the social and professional façades that we often wear to create deeper mutual understanding of the ‘individual’ and ‘a collective team’ desires to reach richer organisational results and happiness
Map motivations: This skill is a culmination of tapping into one’s own emotions and motivations and those of others to fuel better decisions, happier processes, and stronger bonds.
Build Trust: inspire trust, make teams feel that as their leader you have their back (not in selective situations, but always). The skill of being able to build trust is a long-term future proofing strategy that engenders honesty and transparency, especially needed in times of remote/hybrid working.
Now is the time to build the relationship and emotional currency at work to achieve greater collaboration and success.
Talks Available
Now is the time to learn how to show and model respect, discover skills to honour what lights people up and make work – wonderful! It’s time to develop skills to change current working behaviours and remains future-focused.
A leader or manager will be able to:
Cultivate and implement a signature interdisciplinary team-working approach to diverse contextual challenges and opportunities.
Learn how to move from a “tell-and-control” to “ask & invite” approach: to discern complex well-being and performance challenges that inhabit the success of interdisciplinary teams.
Uncover real-time possibilities: adjust efforts to create psychologically safe spaces for positive outcomes to unfold
Ignite other people’s courage and confidence: to keep experimenting and learning rather than being blamed and shamed for mistakes.
Increase awareness of blindspot and barriers: to cultivate richer rapport building experiences whether working hybrid or remote.
Support others to identify limiting beliefs: providing them with clarity and steps to build momentum & action-taking
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Excellent session and plenty of actionable tips!
This has been SO good Samantha! Thank for you for sharing all these great, actionable tips!
This has been amazing and great to have you live with us Samantha, thank you!
Thank you, and inspring and uplifting presentation!
Favourite session so far, thank you!
Very interesting. Will be encouraging colleagues to watch this back. Thank you.